Friday, July 23, 2010

D Day

Today was D Day......not like D day for Normandy, but like the BIG D and I don't mean Dallas....what you still aren't sure what in the world I am referring to? OH PAAAHHHLEEZE, It's the Divorce, duh? Alright, back to my previous was the day. I say was even though it's not even noon yet, because it's over, the divorce, not the day, come one try to follow along, would ya? At any rate we arrived (yes we, as in together, as in I made sure he was present) early and got in early, how convenient, I mean seriously usually any government operated facility is NEVER on time, and not early by any means, so maybe just maybe God's hand was on this one....even though He was the one who instituted the whole "marriage" thing, I think that even when tragic terrible things happen ( which yes, He allows, because of our own free will yadayadayada) He can turn them into something good. So the fact that we were "sped" up in the process, actually turned out ok, because before I know what was goin on, we were like finished.
So here I sit a "free" woman, for the first time in a LONG time, free in the sense that I can now, move forward. I can stop looking back over my shoulder to see if what i am doing will be looked down on by judgmental people in the community. I can put one foot in front of the other and just move forward! what a sigh of relief! So now this afternoon, I am going to go to a rehearsal dinner, and have an AMAZING time. Then tomorrow I am going to be in a wedding for my friend, and again, have an AMAZING time. Because I can see clearly now....... all the while looking forward and not back over my's to a brand new chapter in my life.....out with the old and in with the new......bring on the freedom!......until next time..................

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