Friday, May 30, 2014

The cops called today....

Well, the cops called today...about one of our in the fur kids... Yes you read it right... the cops called about my precious fur kid named Bruce. He is the most adorable dog ever... part great dane, lab and american bulldog all rolled into one heck of an adorable pup. He came to us by chance, we weren't looking for a dog, but he fell into our family, and we LOVE him. So back to the call... seems that he "scared" the neighbor broad. She was outside mowing the lawn, and allegedly, Bruce jumped on her and GASHED her(her words)leg, and she was scared, so instead of being an adult and talking to us (since by the way my husband was standing right there when the dog "attacked " her) She called the cops, not right away, well after the fact. WHAT THE HELL, YOU STUPID ASSHOLE!? She felt that since she is the vice president of our local humane society, she had no other course of action... WHAT THE HELL does that even mean?!?! And since he's a pitbul (again her words) she felt like she HAD to report it...WHAT?!?!?! Again I say, you stupid asshole... he's not a fricken Pitbull you ignoramous! How exactly did you even become a MEMBER of the humane society, let alone the vice president if you don't know your breeds. And let's fricken say for arguments sake, that he was a pitbull, what the hell differecne does that even make? Labs don't cause issue? Or how about those yippy little dogs like the chihuahua? Ten years ago it was the German Shepards and before that Doberman Pincers... WHATCH OUT FOLKS, next it will be poodles and pugs! Mark my words! As for the ignorant, juvenile, half whit broad next door... I have two words for you... SUCK IT! That is all, Until next time