Wednesday, March 24, 2010

To be or not to be.....pregnant

So i just received some awesome news...a friend of mine is actually having a baby right NOW!! It's pretty awesome! But hearing that, brought some different thoughts to my mind, so again, I have decided to write them down. First of all, when a woman finds out she is pregnant, she tells her friends and the manner in which she tells them depicts how excited or prepared she is for the event. You can say one of two things....." We're having a baby!" or "we're pregnant" Now to a man, these mean one in the same, but I am going to let you in on a secret...THEY SO AREN'T anywhere close to being the same!!! If a woman says she is having a baby its because she has been planning it and trying to create this little bundle.....if she says she is pregnant, well you can almost guarantee that it wasn't planned and she is scared out of her mind!

Then I started thinking about my girls, and how I never got to tell my friends that I was having a baby....ever. I was the one girl who wanted to have four children and wanted to have a big family, and I just didn't get to have I have two amazing girls, whom I love to death! But man, it would have been cool to have more....and to get a little sentimental, or mushy or whatever, I really wanted to "have a baby" and appreciate EVERY moment of that pregnancy! Because I will tell you that if you aren't prepared, you don't appreciate the morning sickness, or the going pee every five seconds while the baby just shoves her foot into your lung! You don't appreciate the baby doing flip flops on top of your kidneys while you are trying to sleep, you don't appreciate the fact that you have always hated anchovies and now for some god forsaken reason that is all you want to eat! You just don't appreciate the little things..... You just don't. *sigh*

So here I sit feeling so excited for my friend, who got to tell her family that she was having a baby...but also feeling a little jealous and kind of like a kid who wasn't invited to the birthday party that everyone else in the class got to go to...a little left out....sigh. Oh well, I guess I can always look forward to grandkids, when my girls are like 40! ......that's it for now, until next time.......

1 comment:

  1. She just had the baby girl!!!! It was official at 8:00 a.m. this morning!
