Monday, October 16, 2017

I have had it with most people around me! time to not only wittle my FB list of friends, but the actual ones around me..... I must admit that there are a few women in my circle that make me CRAZY by the end of the week, and I think its due to me allowing them to get under my skin! Well NO MORE! I am not dealing with these women on ANY level...not in my personal life or in my professional one. I am done allowing them to not be accountable for their words and actions. I was given a voice to speak against those who cant get their facts in order. I was given a strong will to be able to stand my ground. I have decided that as long as i am ONLY defending the truth of any situation, I have no reason to falter or be afraid of offending anyone. I am tired of being your doormat and scapegoat for any issue you have... If you don't have the nerve to stand in front of me and look me in the face to say half of the garbage that comes out of your mouth, then how about you just shut your mouth? Bottom line they are YOUR issues, You can take your issues to the printing press and stay there. Until next time, we are done here......

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