That is, until, My Best friend came out with a brown box, not very large, but bigger than, lets say it was about the size of a box of pasta. He was grinning ear to ear when he told me that he got me something, as he handed me the pasta box.... naturally I was intrigued. As I was opening it, he told me I wasnt going to have that book smell anymore....leading me to think I was opening a Kindle...(which I totally want someday) as I opened it I saw a smaller box, navy blue in the center....My heart stopped, and I opened the box where i found the most beautiful, simplest, solitare diamond ring I had ever seen. I was in shock! ( i mean not COMPLETE shock because its not like we had never talked about getting married) I have been with this man for a little less than 2 years and he has been my Best Friend, he has helped me through so much crap, and here he was asking me to stand by his side for the rest of our lives! I naturally told him that I would think about it....................................................ok ok I told him right away YES! -----now let's just pause there for a moment, I know that some of you are thinking, wait, didn't she JUST get divorced, and yes, you would be correct. However, I have been separated (and by separated I mean not living together at all) from my ,now ex-husband, for a little more than two years. The divorce just took FOREVER!!! (clearly)
So after the excitement, he looked at me and said, how are we going to tell our families......*sigh* holy cow I hadnt thought of that!
So we (and when I say we, I really mean me mostly) decided to go public the following day. Because, here's the deal, I know A LOT of people and when I tell , even one, it will pretty much make the news at 5. No joke, I live in a smaller town and when you know everyone, can imagine. So my best friend, who is now my fiancé, had to first tell his mom, before I told anyone because we wanted her to hear it from us, not everyone else.
And it went a little somethin like this... "mom I asked her to marry me and she said yes!" her response...."oh" nothing else just oh. I foresee some more "proving" of myself in the future. *SIGH*
We told all of his brothers, who were very excited, as were their wives. I told some of my friends, ok ok like all of my friends. Now the one question that EVERYONE (with the exception of my soon to mother-in-law, who is a woman of few words, I have decided) kept asking was... When's the big day? Holy cow, guys! I mean the man just asked me for heaven's sake, let's not get to far ahead of ourselves.........
At any rate I know that he is my bestest friend ever and I am so blessed that he asked me to be his I hope I can live up to his expectations.........until next time.........