Saturday, June 19, 2010

Just a little Salt.......

I am at a point in my life where I am sure I am doing just what I need to be doing, but I can't help but keep glancing back over my shoulder just to make sure.........It's rather annoying, really. You know that in the Bible, which, yes, I read regularly, it says that God directed Lot (what a name) and his wife to leave the city they lived in and to not look back....well leave it to the fricken woman, (you know the gender that really messed things up from the start) to look back, over her shoulder and internally mourn the loss of their lifestyle. Well, since God himself had instructed them NOT to look back, and this was way before Jesus came to save humanity, you know the time when god was righteous and all, God ZAP!, turned Lot's wife into a pillar of salt.......Imagine that for a second, here they are just walking along, and I picture Lot telling his wife that everytging will be great...yada yada and she is probably arguing with him or in the very least being difficult to convince, and POOF he looks over and she is gone, and all that is left in her place is ......salt. CRAZY!!!
So what does this have to do with me? Well I feel, for the first time, like I am right where I need to more forks in the road, with me just sitting there contemplating where in the world or what in the world I should be doing or going. I am just afraid, I feel like if I leave behind something i won't ever get it back.....It's foolish I know, because I truly believe that God will provide any of my needs. So I guess I should try and evaluate if this thing is really a need?

Perhaps it's just a desire....but I remember reading a passage in the Bible that says, May He give you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed...........Hmmm thought provoking. Maybe I should just do what I am doing, since i also believe that God has placed me here with the people that i am surrounded by, and know that He already has taken care of whatever my crazy doubts are....ooooh doubts, there is a word I know also.....Satan is the Father of lies and doubt, he casts seeds of doubt everywhere he goes....hmmmm never thought of that either, well I guess "talking" it out has just set my head straight, .....interesting, well I guess all I have to say now is thanks for sitting long enough for me to think through this ridiculous thing? :o) Until next time..........

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