Sunday, July 4, 2010

The cost of Freedom......

Happy 4th of July Everyone! Do you know that most people have no idea why we even celebrate the 4th of July? Their perception of the whole ordeal is fireworks and cookouts, along with adult beverages. THIS is not what the whole deal is, but naturally us being humans, and i would even say Americans with an intense sense of entitlement, we have turned the whole spectacle into yet another event all about in in selfish.

We are celebrating the day when our founding fathers "freed" us from the monarchy, the control of the king.....they rose up and stood for what was right, and God honored that. Yep, there I go again, with the God thing......Nothing happens without Him knowing, and quite frankly, i believe that if He doesn't approve He allows it to fail. But when He is on board 100%, he blesses the socks off us....and so We have a nation founded on Freedom.

However, You must have some sacrifice with any type of Freedom, and so, enter in stage left....Our military. These men and women fight other nations to keep us free....and so we also celebrate the 4th to Honor the soldiers, both alive and still fighting and those who have sacrificed the one thing that is most precious, their own life.
There was a man, John Henry who said, 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH....." well I want to poke your brain a little and make you see something else.....Jesus GAVE US LIBERTY THROUGH HIS DEATH.....He sacrificed Himself to bring us really even if the soldiers of America aren't "religious" or "Christian" they are demonstrating a Christ Like Love for their Country and fellow Americans, sure you can mask it with Patriotism, but really, the root of it all is exactly what Christ did for us......Everyday these men and women lay their life on the line for the good of the many......and because of that, I believe that God honors and protects them.
So why the fireworks and cookouts? Everyone know that fireworks are an amazing spectacle, and that everyone loves a good BOOM, but really it's because The fireworks are a huge sign of celebration......people can see fireworks for miles in some places.....they are huge and everyone can celebrate, and what better thing than to celebrate the Freedom of a WHOLE NATION, Under God, nonetheless.
Cookouts? well come on, July is hot so nobody wants to be inside cooking, so why not grill.....not to mention the fact that we as humans, love to have that sense of family, and what better excuse to have everyone come over and see each other it's generally a three day weekend in the very least, so those who live out of town can swing in for the festivities......

Now understand this, I am not knockin how we celebrate the 4th because I love the parades (which I am still unsure why we do that, but I DO love th candy!) and cookouts, and fireworks. I just want to draw attention to the fact that we need to remember that Christ gave his life to keep us free from the flames of Hell, and our soldiers give their lives to keep us free from living in countries that are much like hell........ remember that this holiday weekend.....WE ARE THE HOME OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE............until next time.......

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