Sunday, November 6, 2011

what's behind still there

I was reading this really hilarious book lastnight (when I was unable to sleep)--- pause here for a moment-- I couldn't sleep...and we even got an EXTRA hour to sleep (where from I am not entirely sure, but that's a different story) could I take advantage of this additional moment of sleep...of course not...*sigh* story of my life! I drag myself out of bed at my alarm on the days I work, and on weekends...BING my eyes betray me and I can't sleep a minute later than my alarm would normally go off...ugh!
But I digress....
I was reading lastnight..yes, that's where I left off.... and this book was called "the only good thing about my butt is that it's behind me"
Now me having a hmm.....butt that is desired by most black women, but not sought out for for by any other white woman (not racist just stating a fact, I am a little white girl with a beautiful black woman's hiney) I naturally was intrigued by this title, and read some...
I laughed so hard at parts that I actually cried!
An interesting point....why can't we just strive to be the best average lady God intended us to be? Why must we fall into the media frenzy, cosmetic world's ideal Barbie? Where is the individuality in that anyway? We women are so busy multitasking and trying to look like someone we aren't , that we can't focus on being GREAT at one thing, instead we are mediocre at several things...have you noticed this?
Before the fashion industry was telling us that wider hips were not attractive, or butts were meant to be little, and thighs, oh my gawd thighs were meant to be taught and wonderful, and boobs, well THAT'S a whole other realm of the fashion industry....before ALL of that, women found something they excelled at, and did perfection. We didnt need to gain approval from other women on how we looked because THAT wasn't the focus. Men loved us for who we were...

Now we are so busy trying to be the best hockey mom, best looking wife, best career gal, best PTA member, etc, that we have lost the perfection of just being US.....

Let's face it, we don't dress for any of the men in our lives, we don't (and if you think for a moment that you do, you're mistaken) We dress for the other women in our lives...we have to look better in the outfit, or have to have the best makeup or whatever....Men truly don't care about those things...they just don't. Sure they like the enhancement it brings their woman (and the fact that they just want us to be happy, we're easier to live with that way) but to them, it's not needed. Makeup and great hair or bed head with no make-up...doesn't change who you are...

Instead of striving to look the BEST, why not just try to look like the best YOU? Why put all that effort into trying to impress other women? It's maddening and exhausting.....we deserve happiness, right? And frankly I know that I am not happy if I think for a moment that the other woman who scored the same outfit I worked hard to get into, looks better than me... when in fact, it TRULY doesn't matter, not even a little.

In the big scheme of things, nobody remembers what you wore last year to the Christmas party, and nope, I can't recall what color your eye shadow was yesterday...unless there are pictures nobody can remember. Honestly, Why do we bother with so many unnecessary details? Don't get me wrong God is in the details, but I think most of ours are shallow and selfish, and I can't find anywhere in the Bible where it says we should be either of those things..... God made you who you are....just go with it.... be an individual, don't be the plastic replica of Barbie......God didn't design Barbie, he designed you....wonderfully knit you in your mother's womb...True story.....
And here's just a little side note, my extra "fluff" as I like to call it, gives me a little bit more insulation in the cold when you're freezing your hiney off, I won't be, cause mine is big and beautiful....and warm :)

Also it doesn't hurt that my handsome husband loves my additional fluff...that's always a bonus.
That's all of my crazy ramblings for now.....
Until next time

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