My husband- I miss him when he is gone, even if it's just for work that day- I will admit that he drives me crazy most days being his man self...but I TRULY love him
My Daughters- they are 2 of the most beautiful girls God could have blessed me with...they are so behaved and endearing, both different from the other, but so AWESOME together
My co-workers- some people have co-workers that they cannot stand, I would have to say that i am blessed NOT to have that. Each one of the ladies is what I would consider a friend..there are days when i drive them nuts or vice versa, but hey take the good with the bad... :)
My family (both blood and in-law) I LOVE spending time with people who enrich my soul, and I have to admit my in-laws are pretty fricken amazing!
My pygmie tribe-- man there are days when I feel like they are kicking my butt and I couldn't possibly do it another day...and then one of them looks into my eyes with snot running down there nose and says, I WUV can you not just melt? (and then get a tissue)
Wine-- come on you didnt see that coming? I LOVE wine!
Coffee-- again, really? It's the best thing since sliced bread...
this list isnt all of the little thing I enjoy, just the big ones...if I told you EVERYTHING i am thankful for I would be here for awhile :o) and I havent that much time, since I am off to have a date with my in-laws, my hubby, and my precious daughters......
there is MUCH to be thankful for my friends...until next time...
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