Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Much to be thankful for

What am I thankful for:
My husband- I miss him when he is gone, even if it's just for work that day- I will admit that he drives me crazy most days being his man self...but I TRULY love him
My Daughters- they are 2 of the most beautiful girls God could have blessed me with...they are so behaved and endearing, both different from the other, but so AWESOME together
My co-workers- some people have co-workers that they cannot stand, I would have to say that i am blessed NOT to have that. Each one of the ladies is what I would consider a friend..there are days when i drive them nuts or vice versa, but hey take the good with the bad... :)
My family (both blood and in-law) I LOVE spending time with people who enrich my soul, and I have to admit my in-laws are pretty fricken amazing!
My pygmie tribe-- man there are days when I feel like they are kicking my butt and I couldn't possibly do it another day...and then one of them looks into my eyes with snot running down there nose and says, I WUV can you not just melt? (and then get a tissue)
Wine-- come on you didnt see that coming? I LOVE wine!
Coffee-- again, really? It's the best thing since sliced bread...
this list isnt all of the little thing I enjoy, just the big ones...if I told you EVERYTHING i am thankful for I would be here for awhile :o) and I havent that much time, since I am off to have a date with my in-laws, my hubby, and my precious daughters......
there is MUCH to be thankful for my friends...until next time...

Hooked on a feeling.....

You know the feeling you have when you first start dating someone?
The one where EVERYTHING the person says makes you smile, where you anticipate EVERY time you get a chance to see that person, or how you feel when you kiss them for the first time?
all of us have felt it, and it seems (from my own past experiences) that after the "honeymoon" phase, that we lose that. Somewhere we take the stuff the other person says for granted, and we don't put much thought into seeing each other, because we just do it all of the time, and kissing? well, its not the electricity we had with the first one...
I must admit that when I met my Best Friend I thought we also would fall into that rut...
Only we havent.....
I love him with everything I have, and since we have been married I can see that we are different from society's "take you for granted I am over the honeymoon phase typical couple"
No, it's not because we haven't been married long...because we dated for 2 years before we even considered marriage.....
It's strange...I mean I wouldn't say that EVERYTHING that he says makes me fact most often he makes me crazy! But the man can make me laugh...and sometimes it's at my own ridiculousness.....and while I may not tell him or even show him how much I miss him throughout the day, i really do.....
it's so weird, I would consider it a mini break whenever my ex husband left, in fact I would ENCOURAGE him the leave for weeks at a time.....and while I know I shouldn't be comparing him to my husband now, I just can't help but think about things like that.....
I love being in his presence...I miss him during the work day, and when he is gone for any amount of time, I miss him greatly.
As for the electrical kiss? I will admit that there are times when the jumper cables could be used, but most often my husband still makes me feel that spark that we have had since day one.
I am a blessed girl that's for sure......
My best friend (my husband) is so great to me, and we are great together.....I love all of his smallest details, and he loves me when I am being me.....
I was just thinking about the things I am thankful for and he is most certainly at the top of my list.....
If i had to put a label on it and sound cliche' I would say that we are destined souls......
yeah yeah, I know what you're thinking..... just give it a few years and they will be just like every other married couple...
well I am thinking you would be completely wrong.....
but since we all are in a society of "show me or prove it to me" I guess we will have to wait and see..... (so i can stand tall and say, I told you so,)
That's all I have for now... until next time...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Some days I just want to slap you......

Why does it seem like the nicer, more genuine I try to be, the more of a complete idiot you become?
THIS doesnt seem to make ANY sense! ( well I guess it kinda does...)
I am putting forth a GENUINE effort, this is NO FRONT, I am trying to be an adult, but I am about at the end of my wits with this whole matter!

I am trying to do something collaboratively and the ONLY way to do that is to honestly and truly be genuinely nice (this probably has too many big words in it so you can't even comprehend any of it)
I want to throw the towel in and just never be nice to you again...but unfortunately for me, that's just not an option.....
I just want to smack you BOTH in the face and walk away...but again, I can't (although it does have a nice ring to it...but I would only be satisfied for 2 seconds). I think my life would be so much easier if I could just despise you....but I can't, and it's kinda becoming a pain in my hiney!
So what to do, what to do....

I guess I will do NOTHING, I will continue to be nice and honor God, and leave it up to Him to fix you're ridiculousness.........
You know what, the more I ponder the whole thing ...the more I realize you two are PERFECT for each other...... it's like the blind leading the blind......
Also...I realize that you are handicapped by a natural immaturity, and I forgive you.....

I am going now, until next time...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

2 minutes in my brain = crazy randomness....

randomness that goes on in my head throughout the day...

why is it when i go through the carwash, it rains that same day? UGH

Who on earth has a wedding dress just stashed away for the 48 hour notice of possibly getting married after knowing each other for like 12 seconds?( must have been from the LAST time you were engaged--less than 4 months ago) just sayin

where does the white go when the snow melts? anyone?


why do you seem to have to always try and one-up me? am i REALLY that special?

Why did the vacuum have to die on the day I REALLY needed it?

How come some 3 year olds are so sassy?

how insecure do you have to be about your relationship to act like a moron in front of your ex?

Do you think it's normal to have hip pain at the age of 31?

How can a husband's hug seem to solve everything wrong with the day's events?

Why does it seem like you're trying to prove something?

Why do I have the urge to vomit when I hear your name? (ok that was a bit mean, but true)

Where am I going to place my Christmas tree this year?

How can i show my staff how much I appreciate them?

How many hockey games does my oldest daughter have this weekend?

Why is it that people almost always forget that there are TWO sides to EVERY story....?

Why are some people big jerks?

I can't forget to make that RAK list tonight.....

Why am I sleepy at 3 in the afternoon, darn near every day?

How many cookie baskets do I have to put together this year? ( i have a feeling it's ALOT!)

Who doesn't wear deodorant? Isn't it more of a common courtesy for others?

Ugh, Too many thoughts going on at once (this just happened to be a 2 minute glimpse)
So next time you see me and ask, how's it going......just be forewarned :o)
That's it for now, until next time...stay thirsty my friends...haha!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Let's chalk another one up ......

If I were keeping any kind of score, I would have another hash mark.....

I can't help but chuckle just a little bit to myself.....
Everything happens for a reason, and I saw it coming......
I relish when I am right...and this time, I was, again....

Is it ok for me to laugh at someone else's unfortunate series of events?
No! In fact it's bordering slightly cruel, but I just cant help it.....I apologize
(still I am chuckling)

I am going to sit back and enjoy this feeling for a few moments......
*stretch, smile, inner giggle, and gaze off into the distance*

Feels great to be right......again :o)

Have a great day my friends
until next time...............

Sunday, November 6, 2011

what's behind still there

I was reading this really hilarious book lastnight (when I was unable to sleep)--- pause here for a moment-- I couldn't sleep...and we even got an EXTRA hour to sleep (where from I am not entirely sure, but that's a different story) could I take advantage of this additional moment of sleep...of course not...*sigh* story of my life! I drag myself out of bed at my alarm on the days I work, and on weekends...BING my eyes betray me and I can't sleep a minute later than my alarm would normally go off...ugh!
But I digress....
I was reading lastnight..yes, that's where I left off.... and this book was called "the only good thing about my butt is that it's behind me"
Now me having a hmm.....butt that is desired by most black women, but not sought out for for by any other white woman (not racist just stating a fact, I am a little white girl with a beautiful black woman's hiney) I naturally was intrigued by this title, and read some...
I laughed so hard at parts that I actually cried!
An interesting point....why can't we just strive to be the best average lady God intended us to be? Why must we fall into the media frenzy, cosmetic world's ideal Barbie? Where is the individuality in that anyway? We women are so busy multitasking and trying to look like someone we aren't , that we can't focus on being GREAT at one thing, instead we are mediocre at several things...have you noticed this?
Before the fashion industry was telling us that wider hips were not attractive, or butts were meant to be little, and thighs, oh my gawd thighs were meant to be taught and wonderful, and boobs, well THAT'S a whole other realm of the fashion industry....before ALL of that, women found something they excelled at, and did perfection. We didnt need to gain approval from other women on how we looked because THAT wasn't the focus. Men loved us for who we were...

Now we are so busy trying to be the best hockey mom, best looking wife, best career gal, best PTA member, etc, that we have lost the perfection of just being US.....

Let's face it, we don't dress for any of the men in our lives, we don't (and if you think for a moment that you do, you're mistaken) We dress for the other women in our lives...we have to look better in the outfit, or have to have the best makeup or whatever....Men truly don't care about those things...they just don't. Sure they like the enhancement it brings their woman (and the fact that they just want us to be happy, we're easier to live with that way) but to them, it's not needed. Makeup and great hair or bed head with no make-up...doesn't change who you are...

Instead of striving to look the BEST, why not just try to look like the best YOU? Why put all that effort into trying to impress other women? It's maddening and exhausting.....we deserve happiness, right? And frankly I know that I am not happy if I think for a moment that the other woman who scored the same outfit I worked hard to get into, looks better than me... when in fact, it TRULY doesn't matter, not even a little.

In the big scheme of things, nobody remembers what you wore last year to the Christmas party, and nope, I can't recall what color your eye shadow was yesterday...unless there are pictures nobody can remember. Honestly, Why do we bother with so many unnecessary details? Don't get me wrong God is in the details, but I think most of ours are shallow and selfish, and I can't find anywhere in the Bible where it says we should be either of those things..... God made you who you are....just go with it.... be an individual, don't be the plastic replica of Barbie......God didn't design Barbie, he designed you....wonderfully knit you in your mother's womb...True story.....
And here's just a little side note, my extra "fluff" as I like to call it, gives me a little bit more insulation in the cold when you're freezing your hiney off, I won't be, cause mine is big and beautiful....and warm :)

Also it doesn't hurt that my handsome husband loves my additional fluff...that's always a bonus.
That's all of my crazy ramblings for now.....
Until next time

Saturday, November 5, 2011

a little of this, a little of that, and a little planning...

Today is a nice day...I have been waiting for a day like this for a few weeks...and I am sure I will not see another day like this until late spring.....
I have ABSOLUTELY no agenda today... with the slight exception of a short hockey practice later this afternoon, but no big deal really.
I woke up early to take the wonder puppy out for a ride (it's been our tradition for awhile now) and then I came home to prepare a nice hot yummy breakfast for my family...deluxe hashbrowns, scrambled eggs/ham, and of course bacon (this is a necessity with ANY breakfast at our home)
After breakfast cleanup I am going to bake my socks off! I have alot of baking experiements I wanna try today, and a willing family that can taste them.... besides I am trying to perfect a recipe for a certain niece of mine, one who's away at college.....
I must bake something special for my father-in-law, since he's always looking for the treats I conjure in my kitchen. Plus I like him :o)
I had a minor surgery yesterday and I thought I would be laid up for the weekend, but it turns out I have been fine :o) BONUS!

I have nothing to make complaints about today, I mean it IS only 9 am, so there's potential, but for the moment I am content!

I Have caught up on ALL of the laundry and even managed to get my floors cleaned--ANOTHER BONUS! I am feeling especially domestic today. I like it

Now that I am ahead on my housework (and by ahead I mean not terribly behind) I am developing a plan for my Christmas cookie baskets that i give at Christmas time...
For me it's too expensive to give lavish gifts that may or may not be used, so I give something that I know everyone can enjoy...sweets! Then I toss a few other handmade items in, like handmade dishclothes, handmade candles, picture frames, etc. This year I have been scouting out those little wooden signs that sell in every know the ones with the great little sayings on them? Well instead of paying something ridiculous like $10-25 each for one of those, I simply whip out my phone snap a picture and come home with the picture......then I saunter over to my most awesome Father-In-Law's house and grab some scrap wood (which he has an abundance of) and then I make my own replica for near to nothing...but it looks great and I MADE it, which as we all know, is way better than getting a commercialized item. Handmade items have a little more sentiment, I think. So that's what's going into the cookie baskets this year...handmade signs :o) i am really looking forward to it. Oh and I should, maybe try and figure out what ornaments I am going to make my girlies this year too....(just another tradition)
Well This General must go and plan, so I hope the rest of my friends have an amazing day!
Until next time......