We had this conversation the ohter night over a great smelling campfire, and we came to some conclusions....
Some (although not most) people go to church because it makes them feel good about themselves afterwards
Some people (a minority, I am afraid) go to actually get their cup filled, to have the Holy Spirirt move them in some way, to feed their soul
In my community, I think this last one is, unfortunately the main reason...
To see and be seen rubbing elbows with certain people of influence.
Now being seen is ok, as is seeing others. I can't express to you how important it is to have the amazing fellowship that happens in a church family. But, i live in a community where image seems to reign, and the olympic sport of this town is gossip.....So people are hugely concerned with image and personal "status" How can i update my FB status to get noticed? Who can i friend so that it makes me look good? How can i show that I make lots of money? Who can I talk to and get juicy information from? It's sad really.
In my comminuty there are PLENTY of churches to attend, some are smaller close knit churches who seems to shun those who arent already established and the others are larger with people who go to church out the "image" obligation. Now, I realize there are SOME people who arent concerned with image and truly just want to go to a church to establish a better relationship with Christ. BUT it seems a vast majority of the people in my community are going for image. They walk into the church wearing their most fashionable clothes and sit down to chat with the influential people. They make it a point to be seen putting a large check inthe offering plate. It's the "look at me look at me I am being humble syndrome"
People, come on! I am telling you that image has absolutely nothing to do with how we spend eternity!!!!! It's not about WHO you're rubbing elbows with on Sunday.....its about WHO you have a rooted, spiritual relationship with...it's not about your image, it's not about YOU!
Why on earth do you think alot of people either stop going to church, or don't even bother? It's due to the hypocrites sitting in those chairs suffering from the look at me syndrome....... It's because in my community if you don't have the correct last name or anything Juicy to offer the other "religious people" you aren't even worth their time to glance over in your direction. If you aren't wearing name brand clothing and holding a designer purse or driving a new car...they often times, don't care about who you are sitting by yourself.
Here's something to chew on for awhile....the single greatest cause of Atheism.... is Christians, who acknowledge these things with their lips, but go on living by their own lifestyle. THIS is what an unbelieving world, simply finds UNBELIEVABLE.....
Walk the walk...be accountable......stop being a hypocrite......fill your cup, feed your soul, and establish that deep rooted relationship you need......I am going to get off my soapbox for now......until next time.........
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