Dear.....well you know who you are....
I know what you're thinking, no I don't have ESP, I have just been where you are and I know. You feel amazing, higher than life, maybe even slightly invincible. But there is is where your weakness lies....the Enemy will totally exploit that weakness and bring you and your lover to your knees.....Beware and Stay strong in the Word. For even thought current situations seem amazing and wondrous and like NOTHING will go bad, you will inevitably, be wrong.
Slowly a slight transition will be will no longer have control over anything you used to. Your activities will be dictated, your diet will be monitored, your sleep schedule will be disrupted, all for the sake of not wanting to appear "lazy"
Your home that you had made a house before He moved in, will seem to merge together quite nicely, but a word of caution, this will not last....i am sad to say it, but it won't. I am confident you have already done a majority of the work, moving His stuff in.....whatever His excuse has been, His back, He hasn't as much time to do it as you do, whatever the reason, it's because in His head...this is your job......not his, even though it's not your stuff.
Right now you appear to be receiving all kinds of "gifts" and soon you will actually receive more, since the season is about to change, and quite frankly, so will your hobbies....oh and for the record, you will no longer have your own hobbies, for your likes will need to adapt to His....this is essential for the survival of your relationship...naturally.
If you have any kind of finances I suggest you at least maintain some form of order to them, on your own, unless of course, you have already relinquished that to Him. In which case, its a moot point. If He has control of the financials..Don't expect the heat to reach over 60 in the winters (which can get pretty cold here) because it costs too much. You will end up at some point in your term, justifying everything you purchase while He does little to justify his ridiculous amount of spending on "hobbies" Being a good steward is one thing...but his ways border on control freak...
Soon you will also see a decrease in the amount of time you spend with the people you now call friends....subtly they will be winnowed out of your life, and before you realize what's going on, all you will have is Him. This eliminates any form of competition for Him and also secludes you, which is ultimately what he wants.
You will, if you haven't already, not make ANY of the decisions in the home, which is tragic, because He can't make a solid -committed decision to save His life. You will not have cozy, lazy, unplanned weekends anymore, and your job will be to figure out some form of entertainment, free entertainment all of the time. But ultimately He will decide what to do, at the last minute and with no preparation.....
Your family won't be the priority at holidays, you will be traveling to see His family. And you can forget about placing gifts under the tree after year 2.....He can only perform for so long.
So to conclude....Don't be lazy, Adjust your life completely, Don't expect Him to change at all, and for the record, don't you dare let A THING come before him...EVER. If you don't take note to any of this, if you disregard EVERYTHING said here, if you choose to think for a second that I am not talking about you, or if I am talking about you-that I am completely off base, you will look back at THIS moment a year from now, and think...God I wish I would have at least listened and given those statements a little more weight. However, outlandish you seem to think they are...people don't change, at least without God people don't change....and honestly, someone who has God guiding them... doesn't behave the way I know, for a fact, He behaves......just something to chew on for a while.........
And I realize that WE ALL make some minor adjustment in order to adapt to being with someone...I totally get that. Just don't lose yourself in the adaptation. keep something of yourself...because if it fails, you will have lost a great deal, and may be unable to recover.
I hope the best, i really do. I am sorry if this comes at a point where you don't care or feel like I am COMPLETELY wrong....but my dear's purely a heads up...maybe this way, now that you hold this knowledge, you can adjust somethings in the lifestyle and make everything work out picture perfect...maybe you can adjust and be everything He wants you to be.....maybe. I most certainly would have liked to have such a heads up before I headed down some of the paths that I had chosen.
Until next time...............
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