Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Great things come in Pairs.....

This is my attempt at making sense of it all.....and true enough, It may make absolutely no sense at all...but hey I warned you

Great things come in pairs:
and people are like socks and shoes

Now, there are all kinds of socks,
plain white everyday socks--which are good with most shoes and comfy, the only thing that is bothersome about these is that sometimes the seam along the toe line is uncomfortable, but we deal with it
toe socks--weird, I'll admit, but hey a pretty cool idea, and they are also functional, if you can get past the bold designs and the weirdness they give your already strange looking toes
wool socks--keep your toes warm, only problem is that sometimes the don't fit in your shoe
Dress socks (these come in two varieties) the first is just your plain jane cotton dark trouser socks, their function is to make you look business savvy, because we all know that you CANNOT wear white socks with dress shoes and trousers...it doesn't work. The second kind is the REALLY nice almost silk-like trouser socks, not only do they make you look good, they feel like the 1000 thread count cotton sheets that you wanna sleep in all day. Functionality, style, and comfort...ooooh yeah!

which brings me to my point...Praise the Lord she believes she has a point.....
We are like pairs of shoes and socks...like together, as in compatibility,
work boots--hard working people who labor
army boot--military
tennis shoes-- everyday people
specific athletic shoes i.e. football, baseball,bike, etc --athletic people
dress shoes--business or fashion savvy people
birkenstocks--yep, granola munchers
flip flops--no sock needed, carefree, toes to the wind ( this kind of person doesn't even need a match)

So you can have a couple who is like the white socks and tennis shoes, and it works...they are comfortable together, they function together etc.
you can have someone who is like a dress sock with someone who like a tennis shoe and it works, most of the time, but only until it doesn't work anymore and then they find the sock/shoe that matches the best!!!!
You cannot have plain jane white socks with the birkenstock, it works for a short time, but then the white sock isnt mucnhie enough, and that toeline seam keeps getting twisted and bunched... so the birkenstock has to find the all natural wool/hemp sock to make the ideal fit.
You see, we can make ANYTHING work for a little while....but it works BEST when you have the BEST fits, together.........
It isn't until you try on a few shoes that you realize which one is the best fit.....and you'll NEVER fully appreciate a really great dress shoe or dress sock until you've tried the others.......
oh and remember, toe socks are cute, but only for so long, then you kinda have to grow up and find a sock that best fits your personality......
Think about it........ I may be completely off my rockers today, but at least I know the difference between the birkenstock and Manzoni footwear...and I am never goin back.......uh huh!!!
that's it for now...until next time........................................................

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A word to the wise... (but its not for you)

As a society we have lost the "art" of letter writing.... I am not complaining, but I was thinking..... I would like a letter.....one that was informative, a sort of heads up...then I thought AHA! I can write one of those kinds to you...you know who you are....and if it isn't you( and you would know if it was you), then don't bother reading anymore of this, because frankly it doesn't apply, and it will only sound like the crazy rants of some nut job--probably

Dear.....well you know who you are....
I know what you're thinking, no I don't have ESP, I have just been where you are and I know. You feel amazing, higher than life, maybe even slightly invincible. But there is is where your weakness lies....the Enemy will totally exploit that weakness and bring you and your lover to your knees.....Beware and Stay strong in the Word. For even thought current situations seem amazing and wondrous and like NOTHING will go bad, you will inevitably, be wrong.

Slowly a slight transition will be made......you will no longer have control over anything you used to. Your activities will be dictated, your diet will be monitored, your sleep schedule will be disrupted, all for the sake of not wanting to appear "lazy"

Your home that you had made a house before He moved in, will seem to merge together quite nicely, but a word of caution, this will not last....i am sad to say it, but it won't. I am confident you have already done a majority of the work, moving His stuff in.....whatever His excuse has been, His back, He hasn't as much time to do it as you do, whatever the reason, it's because in His head...this is your job......not his, even though it's not your stuff.

Right now you appear to be receiving all kinds of "gifts" and soon you will actually receive more, since the season is about to change, and quite frankly, so will your hobbies....oh and for the record, you will no longer have your own hobbies, for your likes will need to adapt to His....this is essential for the survival of your relationship...naturally.

If you have any kind of finances I suggest you at least maintain some form of order to them, on your own, unless of course, you have already relinquished that to Him. In which case, its a moot point. If He has control of the financials..Don't expect the heat to reach over 60 in the winters (which can get pretty cold here) because it costs too much. You will end up at some point in your term, justifying everything you purchase while He does little to justify his ridiculous amount of spending on "hobbies" Being a good steward is one thing...but his ways border on control freak...

Soon you will also see a decrease in the amount of time you spend with the people you now call friends....subtly they will be winnowed out of your life, and before you realize what's going on, all you will have is Him. This eliminates any form of competition for Him and also secludes you, which is ultimately what he wants.

You will, if you haven't already, not make ANY of the decisions in the home, which is tragic, because He can't make a solid -committed decision to save His life. You will not have cozy, lazy, unplanned weekends anymore, and your job will be to figure out some form of entertainment, free entertainment all of the time. But ultimately He will decide what to do, at the last minute and with no preparation.....

Your family won't be the priority at holidays, you will be traveling to see His family. And you can forget about placing gifts under the tree after year 2.....He can only perform for so long.

So to conclude....Don't be lazy, Adjust your life completely, Don't expect Him to change at all, and for the record, don't you dare let A THING come before him...EVER. If you don't take note to any of this, if you disregard EVERYTHING said here, if you choose to think for a second that I am not talking about you, or if I am talking about you-that I am completely off base, you will look back at THIS moment a year from now, and think...God I wish I would have at least listened and given those statements a little more weight. However, outlandish you seem to think they are...people don't change, at least without God people don't change....and honestly, someone who has God guiding them... doesn't behave the way I know, for a fact, He behaves......just something to chew on for a while.........
And I realize that WE ALL make some minor adjustment in order to adapt to being with someone...I totally get that. Just don't lose yourself in the adaptation. keep something of yourself...because if it fails, you will have lost a great deal, and may be unable to recover.
I hope the best, i really do. I am sorry if this comes at a point where you don't care or feel like I am COMPLETELY wrong....but my dear friend....it's purely a heads up...maybe this way, now that you hold this knowledge, you can adjust somethings in the lifestyle and make everything work out picture perfect...maybe you can adjust and be everything He wants you to be.....maybe. I most certainly would have liked to have such a heads up before I headed down some of the paths that I had chosen.
Until next time...............

Friday, September 23, 2011

This is not rocket science.........

Have you ever sat and watched a horror flick or any other movie for that matter and been able to "predict " what was going to happen? It takes all of the suspense out doesn't it? On the other hand it can be kinda fun, like a game actually, guessing and then letting the movie continue only to confirm your guess...insert a little victory dance and chuckle...some things are so predictable-

I am having something like that happen in my little life...
Except it isnt a movie, its real-life...and it's not really MY life ...I am standing as a third party watching my "previous" life unfold before me AGAIN.....it's kinda weird..maybe even slightly sad.....
I can predict each move...every major milestone...with almost the same precision a chess player calculates the opponent's next move...its slightly creepy...and tragic..

I feel like the oracle in that movie the Never Ending Story......It's entertaining, no doubt...as in the selfish kind of entertainment...but I stand back and see the "whys" of it all and have come to realize.....maybe the colossal failure wasn't all my fault...

It's crazy, I have NAILED the last 4 things that have happened...although my timing was a bit off with this last one I will admit......but only by 2 weeks...sheesh!

I fell kinda ripped off actually, now that I am thinking about it..I mean really? You don't have any originality? You're a one pony show.... and for the record your t-shirt that says BE ORIGINAL......maybe you should take that advice! *sigh*

I am actually kinda mad right now....You made me feel important, loved even, and then .... when it didn't work, when everything was tried and had failed...you made me feel insignificant, unimportant, useless.... I am having a little righteous anger......frustration *MERH*

I have seen the ending to this movie.......it doesn't take a genius to figure out...and i think the definition of INSANITY is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results....it doesn't take a rocket scientist....just saying

I am over it....I am ..... :o) *phew* now ..... until next time....................

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Change it up?

Today the wonderful world of FaceBook had a facelift....now I am not one to complain about change but other people are not so....hmm...open minded? Reading all of the complaints that have been posted got me thinking...

Humans are funny..weird, creatures of habit.....
Change is inevitable...we humans can't accept change, generally without some form of griping
This applies to ALL aspects of our life.... figure out a way to deal with it...
This is Facebook we are talking about people....IT WILL CHANGE..it's technology (this is something that changes)

think about it..change

these are just some things that have changed, and are really OK..
8 track to CDs to IPODS..... I love the convenience factor of not needing to lug around TONS of bulky CDs in order to feed my soul with some tunes!
Growing your own veggie garden to 24 hour a day open grocery stores that have a FULL stock of fresh veggies... hey gardening is great, but I just don't have the knack for it and would surely starve if there wasn't a grocery store that had everything I need....
horse and carts to AUTOMOBILES.... and the constant technological advances for the cars....yep I love auto manufacturers....complain about gas prices all you want, it's probably cheaper than buying a horse and feeding, maintaining, and providing space for this animal.... and the clean up is way better---i think
snail mail to email...not only is it slightly "more green" since we don't have to kill off a TON of trees to communicate, its way faster!
telegram to cell phone....face it we all love the fact that our cell phones are never very far out of reach and we have an entire army of people at our fingertips, whom we can inform about anything at anytime...sometimes this leads to what I call "diarrhea of the mouth" but that's another blog

so i guess that the "point" i am trying to make is this.......put on your big girl panties and suck it up, yeah, change isn't always wanted or what we deem necessary, but really? I think we will live...
also, its JUST FACEBOOK people!!!!! we don't even need it to function in our everyday life....thats' all I have for now, until next time..........

Sunday, September 11, 2011

You're Unbelievable........

Have you ever sat to think about WHY most people go to church? I mean there are many reasons why people don't, but I have been thinking about the WHY they DO.
We had this conversation the ohter night over a great smelling campfire, and we came to some conclusions....
Some (although not most) people go to church because it makes them feel good about themselves afterwards
Some people (a minority, I am afraid) go to actually get their cup filled, to have the Holy Spirirt move them in some way, to feed their soul
In my community, I think this last one is, unfortunately the main reason...
To see and be seen rubbing elbows with certain people of influence.

Now being seen is ok, as is seeing others. I can't express to you how important it is to have the amazing fellowship that happens in a church family. But, i live in a community where image seems to reign, and the olympic sport of this town is gossip.....So people are hugely concerned with image and personal "status" How can i update my FB status to get noticed? Who can i friend so that it makes me look good? How can i show that I make lots of money? Who can I talk to and get juicy information from? It's sad really.

In my comminuty there are PLENTY of churches to attend, some are smaller close knit churches who seems to shun those who arent already established and the others are larger with people who go to church out the "image" obligation. Now, I realize there are SOME people who arent concerned with image and truly just want to go to a church to establish a better relationship with Christ. BUT it seems a vast majority of the people in my community are going for image. They walk into the church wearing their most fashionable clothes and sit down to chat with the influential people. They make it a point to be seen putting a large check inthe offering plate. It's the "look at me look at me I am being humble syndrome"

People, come on! I am telling you that image has absolutely nothing to do with how we spend eternity!!!!! It's not about WHO you're rubbing elbows with on Sunday.....its about WHO you have a rooted, spiritual relationship with...it's not about your image, it's not about YOU!
Why on earth do you think alot of people either stop going to church, or don't even bother? It's due to the hypocrites sitting in those chairs suffering from the look at me syndrome....... It's because in my community if you don't have the correct last name or anything Juicy to offer the other "religious people" you aren't even worth their time to glance over in your direction. If you aren't wearing name brand clothing and holding a designer purse or driving a new car...they often times, don't care about who you are sitting by yourself.

Here's something to chew on for awhile....the single greatest cause of Atheism.... is Christians, who acknowledge these things with their lips, but go on living by their own lifestyle. THIS is what an unbelieving world, simply finds UNBELIEVABLE.....

Walk the walk...be accountable......stop being a hypocrite......fill your cup, feed your soul, and establish that deep rooted relationship you need......I am going to get off my soapbox for now......until next time.........

Saturday, September 10, 2011

food for the soul

PRODUCTIVITY!!! that's the word for the day
I managed to clean my home...darn near a miracle
I baked a loaf of beer bread and made some garlic dip to go with it....was delicious
Made 36 no bake cookies.. you know the kind with peanut butter, oatmeal, and chocolate...oh yeah baby!
Made 16 from scratch homemade cinnamon rolls, with frosting ...was glorious smelling
made 16 from scratch homemade sticky buns...a "family" recipe (thanks to my...umm I guess she'd be my ex-mom-in-law)
Baked a turkey breast for tomorrow's lunch--scrumptious turkey salad pitas
Even managed to feed my soul (when I wasn't feeding my mouth) with some tunes as I worked in the kitchen.
Now that I have made food for our bellies, I am going to finish off the night with more food for my soul...a campfire with friends and family........until next time

My Treat....

This is a morning that I have been craving for quite some time....I woke up a little later than normal (translation-- I got to sleep in) which is ALWAYS a treat. :o)
I have a pygmie coming by to play at my house for the morning, which is also, a treat.
I have fresh brewed coffee in hand and am indulging in a new creamer--sweet Italian cream--which, as it turns out --is kinda a treat.
I have no real agenda today---yet another treat, kinda a break before hockey filled weekends take over my agenda. *lets stop here for a note* I generally have weekends planned out with working, hockey, family events away from home, or something that crams my schedule, I just try and roll with it.....
My love just told me that we are attending my favorite church, again tomorrow....a treat!
The sun is shining and the breeze is beautiful....a treat
I cleaned my kitchen top to bottom before anyone else woke up this morning, and now its fresh and ready for some baking later---TREAT!
My teenager is currently working on catching up with the laundry--TREAT!
I am thinking tonight will be the perfect night for a campfire----TREAT!
My life in on track again, and I am facing each day with joy and peace---TREAT!
God is good my friends.....that's what I have this morning...I am off to bake and be a homemaker today.....until next time.........................

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dream on!

Some people dream of success, while others wake up and work at it......
I got this little nugget of motivation from My husband today....
I must say that I believe he may be onto something......

I am by no means, a dreamer...I mean I have "visions" sometimes ..... but as far as sitting in a window with my hands under my chin dreaming of blue skies and puppy kisses? Not so much for me......

I am an executor....an implementer.....a worker... I just do. It's not always the best thing for me to do, I mean I rarely pre-calculate anything before trying to accomplish it....although this method has led to some humorous stories, it has also led to some painful ones. Live and learn.

As a general rule of thumb, I try and let the Big Guy (and I don't necessarily mean my husband) guide my decision making. It works....sometimes, except for when, well, when it doesn't.

I am not saying that I am impulsive, I just don't dream about it first.

What, do you say, can I base this "success" bit on? Well, I would say that our business is doing quite well, and I would go even further to say that it's because we WORK at it. We are not sitting behind a desk "dreaming" about success, we are executing the work needed FOR success. I will also admit that it doesn't hurt that God's hand is on it, because we are doing what he has led us to do, and we are being good stewards with His blessings.

Now, a side note, I am not saying that you shouldn't be a dreamer, because God knows we need dreamers.
That's all I have this morning....until next time..............

Monday, September 5, 2011


Good Monday morning! Generally Mondays are not all wonderful for some because it marks the start of a new work week, but today is labor day so NO WORK for most. YEEEHAW!
At any rate, today is going to be great.....in fact now that I look back on it, this whole weekend has been great! :o)
Saturday we had a massive brat fest (like sausages, not naughty kids) and then after that My hubby and I played a board game with friends, after enjoying a most delicious steak----side note-- our friend has the most wonderful marinade that he uses and then he grills the steaks to our liking , now as a rule I favor a nice succulent filet (no bones or fat to mess with) but whenever our Canadian clubber friend makes his ribeye, I just cant seem to turn it away--its a melt-in-your-mouth, yummy goodnesss---mmmmm----anyhow....We played a board game and had many laughs, it was a great night. We even extended an invite for the couple to go to church with us the next day, and they accepted....HOLY SMOKES!
Sunday morning was busy, we had to drop off our oldest daughter by my ex-husband and his girlfriend so the kids and them could go camping...the exchange was civil and even nice, there IS hope for the future, my friends :)
Then we traveled further North to attend church..... (oh heavens I have FOUND a church!!!) yes, yes, I now it takes a little over an hour to drive to church, but, as my friend says..a church thats alive is worth the drive...think about it, people drive further for less....anyhow our friends came as well, which was most excellent! A great message and amazing fellowship!
After the service we had planned on going to this great little restaurant that serves pizza and Cesar salads, I was excited! we drove 15 minutes to get there and much to my dismay they were closed :( bah!!!!! no lunch?!? come on this is LABOR day weekend, one of the busiest times of the year, and they were closed?! *sigh*
It was then decided that we would make our way south and keep our eyes open on the way home for another fine establishment to eat at. We drove on and came across a restaurant that was rich with history, Dillinger was found at this place and even had a shoot out with the FBI...perfect, two of my favorite things, food and history, top that off with great company and perhaps an old fashion, and my day was complete.....but ah alas, it was going to be a bit of of a wait, like 35-45 minutes (completely understandable for a busy weekend) but we were traveling with a toddler who was not into playing the waiting game...so we opted out of that place and kept moving south.....on our way I discovered (using an app on my incredible phone) that there was a microbrew pub not far from where we were....our new found place to eat :o) Fast forward through the insane amount of traffic and we arrive only to find that the wait is now well over an hour for this place...UGH!!!!! This was not working out for us... we all decided that Culvers was the best place, no wait, easy menu, and.....not far from where we were...so we enjoyed butter burgers and frozen custard....all in all in was a great day :o)
So recap, I worked a brat fest, played some board games, ate some delicious steak, took in an amazing message, had a minor restaurant treasure hunt, hung out with friends, and even fit in some time to relax........Man !
I had a great weekend, and today I have done light housework, but for the rest of the day I am doing not much more than I have to.....I mean, afterall, even God rested on the 7th day..... that's it..... keep smiling my friends! Until next time....................................

Friday, September 2, 2011

First of all.......

Yesterday marked the first day for area schools here...and it got me thinking...firsts...hmmmm

My daughters will both have MANY firsts, some of which I am not at all prepared for, and many of which I have experienced myself....

My First day of school, ever----I remember riding the bus and going for aWHOLE day without my mom....I lived
My First ever belted spanking--I gave my infant sister to the neighbors...in my defense, It would have saved my parents alot of trouble later in life...but....I lived.
My First broken bone---happened in 3rd grade, I was showing off, and being sassy. Trying to one up the boys, I made it and then fell......I lived
My First boyfriend---middle school, kinda a big deal, we passed notes and walked down the halls together, he was a level 7 clinger and I was not......I lived
My First day of High school---intimidating, and new, kept my nose down and my mouth shut....I lived.
My First Kiss---like from a serious "boyfriend", it was....ok.......not the foot popping kinda thing you read about, but.....I lived.
My First Iced Coffee----I was at an amusement park with my father, Iced mocha...been addicted ever since....I am still living
My First Job---Bussing tables at a restaurant, it was not at all fun, and I went home smelling like a fried egg...but I lived.
My First "fight"---a jealous girl in high school kicked my butt, I still don't think I had it coming, but ...I lived.
My First BEST FRIEND---she and I are still best friends and have been for 20 years, we dont talk everyday, but when the time is needed we are there to help.....a friend for LIFE.
My First Car--- a beater to end all beaters, but I paid for it with my own money, and until my boyfriend totaled it.... but while I had it.....I got to live!
My First Daughter---although not at all planned, she was my responsibility and I took to the task...I am still Living...
My First Apartment---little, and empty, but I made it my own and paid the rent....I lived.
My First day of College---slightly homesick, and broke, but it's something tat every teenager should go through...I lived.
My First Love---I will always hold a special place in my heart for him, but he broke my heart and I cried---alot----nobody wants to go through heartache, but everyone does.....and.....I lived.
My First time snowboarding--I was not at all graceful, in fact most of my day was spent getting back up, but I love the feel of fresh powder under my board as i carve my way down the mountain...thats what I call LIVING.

Everyone's life is full of Firsts......and then followed by many afters.....I think it's how we deal with the Firsts that help us get through all of the rest of life...all you gotta do....is live to face another day.... Just Live! Until next time..............................