Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Bride, a bathroom, and the lesbian? A typical wedding I guess

Greetings! So...yesterday was very interesting! I mean who knew what kind of stuff women have to endure in order to look the way they do for a wedding..... everyone else sees the finished product when all the ladies saunter down the isle, but you WOULDN"T believe what goes into that....sigh
I must tell you that only the bride cares about all the little details, like what color the cake is, and what should be next to the cake for pictures, and what the card box needs to be and how much toule to put around the tables, etc. I mean man I was in the weddding and i don't even remember. Which brings me to one of my points for this blog ( finally, for heaven's sake we are already a paragraph in) The bride......a wedding is really all about the bride, nobody else, not even the groom, really. All of the bridesmaids are there to attend to the bride, and the groomsmen are there as props to help the bridesmaids look good for pictures, the groom, well, really all he has to do is stand back and repeat after the pastor, and then his defining moment is when the pastor allows him to "kiss the bride". otherwise ALLL the other stuff is about the bride.....
So my role in this whole ordeal was a bridesmaid.....and although I was kinda the odd man out, meaning the other ladies seemed to have a bond with each other, I was there for no other reason than for the bride....I walked down the isle and smiles for ALL the pictures ( OH MY GOODNESS THE FRICKEN PICTURES) Let's just side not right here for a minute...the pictures were all of the traditional poses, but then we had to pose with a skid steer, and then a big green john deer tractor....) but I kept smiling and made sure the bride was good to go. Which meant that I ran front line damage control to keep her smiling, and less stressed.......Oh and did I mention that I was also the personal bathroom attendant, yup, it takes at least two people to help the bride and her dress ( which is a whole other entity in a wedding) in the any rate, I was in charge of diffusing any family drama before it reached the bride, this way she had less to worry about and nobody would have a beef with her at the end of the night, they would most likely hate me, which, for the record, I was ok with. And yes, there was a few who shall we put it, not exactly thrilled with me by the night's end. I think one girl actually said she wanted to smack me across the face, of course, nothing ever came of it, but whatever, her drama, not mine :o) especially since I was drinking alot of wonderfully yummy, absolutely delicious, margaritas........ok that probably wasn't whole truth, I think that woman, well I believe I called her a lesbian, which is not really a bad thing, unless there's truth to it and you don't want people to know about it...then I could see getting a little upset about it, but really? And quite frankly, I was only stating something that everyone, including this woman's mother, believed was true before I even breathed a word of I was merely calling a spade a spade.
At any rate I had a blast, the bride had a blast, i didn't try to kill the Maid of Honor (which is a huge accomplishment for me by the way), and the wedding went along without any issues. so it was a good night, and believe it or not, there were some pretty cute pictures out of the deal so, who's complaining....until next time......

Friday, July 23, 2010

D Day

Today was D Day......not like D day for Normandy, but like the BIG D and I don't mean Dallas....what you still aren't sure what in the world I am referring to? OH PAAAHHHLEEZE, It's the Divorce, duh? Alright, back to my previous was the day. I say was even though it's not even noon yet, because it's over, the divorce, not the day, come one try to follow along, would ya? At any rate we arrived (yes we, as in together, as in I made sure he was present) early and got in early, how convenient, I mean seriously usually any government operated facility is NEVER on time, and not early by any means, so maybe just maybe God's hand was on this one....even though He was the one who instituted the whole "marriage" thing, I think that even when tragic terrible things happen ( which yes, He allows, because of our own free will yadayadayada) He can turn them into something good. So the fact that we were "sped" up in the process, actually turned out ok, because before I know what was goin on, we were like finished.
So here I sit a "free" woman, for the first time in a LONG time, free in the sense that I can now, move forward. I can stop looking back over my shoulder to see if what i am doing will be looked down on by judgmental people in the community. I can put one foot in front of the other and just move forward! what a sigh of relief! So now this afternoon, I am going to go to a rehearsal dinner, and have an AMAZING time. Then tomorrow I am going to be in a wedding for my friend, and again, have an AMAZING time. Because I can see clearly now....... all the while looking forward and not back over my's to a brand new chapter in my life.....out with the old and in with the new......bring on the freedom!......until next time..................

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Time marches on....

Today i am home,which is kinda out of the ordinary for me, since it is a weekday and I generally play with the pygmies, but I am taking a personal day. I left the third session of camp a day early to come home. I really missed my best friend, and I had to prep for my big weekend, but mostly my big day. I am sooooo very nervous right now, I am almost shaking out of my skin....tomorrow i sit in front of the family court commissioner and finalize my divorce, you know the thing that was a catalyst of sorts to me blogging........
Now on one hand I should be overjoyed with the fact that I can move onto a new chapter in my life, but it doesn't help with the anxiety of the whole matter........I am scared out of my pants! I have to sit on a court room and face my ex, with a court commissioner asking us questions, all the while crossing my fingers that my ex doesn't speak up and contest anything that we have thus far agreed upon. If that happens I could be delayed a 6-8 more weeks! COME ON ALREADY! I need this to be done so I can move forward!
I won't lie I am also kinda grieving, I mean it is a loss, a huge chunk of my life, no less. But if I look at it from the stand point that I have like 90 more years to go...alright not quite that much, but alot none the less, then it is only a fraction of my life as a whole, which also means that i have a great deal of time to move forward.
I just need to suck it up and put on my big girl panties, and march through my day, putting one foot in front of the other.......I mean really if I think about it this whole thing at the court house is ONLY going to take 30 minutes, and here I am spending HOURS worrying and having anxiety about the whole matter....SIGH! So really, really, I just need to step back and look at the whole picture, you know the WHOLE, 90 year, picture.....Stuff happens, and I just gotta roll with it......cause Time marches on......until next time.................

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Friends, Family, FOOD!!! 3 essentials.........

Greetings!I have survived my first stretch of my busy month! *yawn* It was so GREAT though, because I feel Like we really got to just hang with this first group of kids! Oh and the food, naturally because I made it (kidding) was AMAZING! The menu was tweaked just a little for this group, because they are younger, and generally more finicky when it comes to eating. Some of the favorites were tator tot casserole, nachos, spaghetti, grilled cheese, french toast, and this new stuff called Krupsua. OH MY HEAVENS it was all so good! then to top it off, some of the ladies (older) baked cookies, and bars for desserts! I think that secretly after you reach a certain age within the church the elders must take you aside and either pay for private baking courses or instruct you from a long line of family recipes, I mean THAT is the only reason these treats are sooooooo delicious! Holy cow, I think I may have steered off my diet, slightly,......ok ok I admit it, I was a diet train wreck this week, but these sweets are just THAT delicious.
on another note, we had a different speaker this time, usually we have the ever amazing Pastor Shiloh, but he was unavailable this time. Which, BTW, threw some people and made them a little uncomfortable, because people HATE change, and heaven forbid we broaden our horizons or something. But anyhow this woman was awesome! She had three children, which were so well behaved and such little joys! plus, wait for it....she was so much like me that we connected instantly! She is her church's Children's minister, and here's one of the best parts, her church is in Eau Claire, so when we go visit my best friend's additional out of town friends, who live in Eau Claire, we have a church to go to!!!!! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO! This woman was such a great woman of God, she just fit right in, and the kids welcomed her and learned about the Armor of God! *sigh* I will miss her, hopefully she returns next year.
I also got to hang out with my favorite 7 year old on the whole planet, my little Mad Dog. She and I had some major breakthroughs this week, and we prayed together for things yet to come. She is so smart and receptive to her surroundings. I Just love her sooo much! In fact, she always tells me that she loves me more than there are stars in the sky......*sigh* I will miss her! Hopefully if my ex has a heart, she can stay with me for the next session of camp, and then we can hang even more!'s to praying about it!
Plus I got to see women that I generally only see once a year, and it, too, was amazing. With a smaller group of kids this year we were able to hang out a little bit more, which of course, I LOVE! Overall, it all ran VERY smooth! I will admit that everyday I found myself missing my best friend, but maybe next year, or in the near future, he can join me on the front lines of seed planting via camp.....we shall pray about that as well. i am looking very much forward o the next session!......until next time.......

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The cost of Freedom......

Happy 4th of July Everyone! Do you know that most people have no idea why we even celebrate the 4th of July? Their perception of the whole ordeal is fireworks and cookouts, along with adult beverages. THIS is not what the whole deal is, but naturally us being humans, and i would even say Americans with an intense sense of entitlement, we have turned the whole spectacle into yet another event all about in in selfish.

We are celebrating the day when our founding fathers "freed" us from the monarchy, the control of the king.....they rose up and stood for what was right, and God honored that. Yep, there I go again, with the God thing......Nothing happens without Him knowing, and quite frankly, i believe that if He doesn't approve He allows it to fail. But when He is on board 100%, he blesses the socks off us....and so We have a nation founded on Freedom.

However, You must have some sacrifice with any type of Freedom, and so, enter in stage left....Our military. These men and women fight other nations to keep us free....and so we also celebrate the 4th to Honor the soldiers, both alive and still fighting and those who have sacrificed the one thing that is most precious, their own life.
There was a man, John Henry who said, 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH....." well I want to poke your brain a little and make you see something else.....Jesus GAVE US LIBERTY THROUGH HIS DEATH.....He sacrificed Himself to bring us really even if the soldiers of America aren't "religious" or "Christian" they are demonstrating a Christ Like Love for their Country and fellow Americans, sure you can mask it with Patriotism, but really, the root of it all is exactly what Christ did for us......Everyday these men and women lay their life on the line for the good of the many......and because of that, I believe that God honors and protects them.
So why the fireworks and cookouts? Everyone know that fireworks are an amazing spectacle, and that everyone loves a good BOOM, but really it's because The fireworks are a huge sign of celebration......people can see fireworks for miles in some places.....they are huge and everyone can celebrate, and what better thing than to celebrate the Freedom of a WHOLE NATION, Under God, nonetheless.
Cookouts? well come on, July is hot so nobody wants to be inside cooking, so why not grill.....not to mention the fact that we as humans, love to have that sense of family, and what better excuse to have everyone come over and see each other it's generally a three day weekend in the very least, so those who live out of town can swing in for the festivities......

Now understand this, I am not knockin how we celebrate the 4th because I love the parades (which I am still unsure why we do that, but I DO love th candy!) and cookouts, and fireworks. I just want to draw attention to the fact that we need to remember that Christ gave his life to keep us free from the flames of Hell, and our soldiers give their lives to keep us free from living in countries that are much like hell........ remember that this holiday weekend.....WE ARE THE HOME OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE............until next time.......