Saturday, April 14, 2012

The gauntlet has been thrown

I have been sitting here the past few days thinking....yes, I know it's a dangerous pastime....
Anyhow I have thought about ALL kinds of things, but i keep coming back to the subjects of LOYALTY and HONESTY

I think both are lost in today's society...

People are selfish, they don't care about being LOYAL to anyone but themselves. If the situation can further their own selfish desires then ANYONE is game for being thrown under the Bus. Which is quite disturbing really. I would like to think that there is SOMEONE who can be trusted but, let's be honest, I am just not that naive. I have come to conclude that my spouse is the only one I can really lean on...He's the one PERSON i can truly trust. I can count on him to give me an honest opinion and not sugar coat for fear of me not liking it... and I KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that He has my back. (and he's not trying to stick a knife in it)True Story...
I think the Mob may have been onto something when they fitted liars and betrayers with cement shoes....just my opinion of course

I think women are the worst offenders of these two attributes, and I feel like I can say that since I am a woman, and I would have to say I know how we operate...with a little bit of strategery.

Women, for some reason, are terrible at being Loyal... especially with other women. It's like they are nice to your face, but you had better have tough skin, cause as soon as you turn, they are going to stab you, and beat you down with others. Women have you for lunch when you aren't there, they tear down your integrity and beat down your character. It's sad really.

It's like women NEED to do this on order to feel better about their own lousy lives.......its almost as if they have such a crappy perspective on their own life, that they have to bring other women's lives down too

Well I am here to let you know that it STOPS here. I am tired of hearing about it, I am TIRED of being one of your darn speed bumps thrown under the proverbial bus. I think that from now on I am going to call you out on it...I can no longer stand by, knowing you are feedin on me or any other woman, and pretend that everything is hunky dory. I can NOT and will NOT be the subject of your betrayal any longer. If you have something to say, then say it, but know had best have FACT and not a bunch of gossiping lies or false accusations, as your foundation my friend. You had better come equipped with the TRUTH. Because I will be armed and ready with the TRUTH....
I am done being idle. I am done seeing fellow women be torn apart. I am done being the feast of your luncheons. I am just done.

You can leave my circle of "friends" because with friends like you, what on earth does a girl need enemies for.
I can't pretend everything is ok ANY longer, because its not. I can't be fake with you, and I am not. If i don't care for your presence I don't request it. I don't pretend to like you if i don't. I don't fake concern if I am not. I dont smile to your face while gossiping behind your back. I am a straight shooter and I guess it was just TOO much to expect you to return the favor. how about this, do me a favor and stop it. Just STOP. I am ok with having a few select friends who I know at the end of the day will stand the front lines with me. I would rather have that than the entire army of dishonest and disloyal cowards!
I am throwing the gauntlet...... either come at me with TRUTH or slink away and leave me be....... but if you bring it, you better be prepared for TRUTH to be tossed right back at you!
I am done venting for today...that's all for now..until next time

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