I, for the first time , was able to hang out with this person and his mother, which was a little....hmmm stressful, because let's just be honest, here, its easy to find someone who is your best friend all alone, but when any family is involved it gets...sticky. And here I was hanging with him and HIS mom, which is like the ultimate sticky....like laffy taffy on a hot July day sticky!, But THAT"S another story......while spending time with the two of them, I was listening to stories of his childhood, and all the while comparing to the stories of my childhood, well mentally anyway.....
His mom and he were talking about the first car he remembered being in with his mom...a Cadillac. Now this car is quite nice and a classic, in fact these cars are still being made, and are amazing cars! While he was reminiscing about the 8 track in the car I was thinking about the first car I remember being in with MY mom....a Ford Pinto! No joke, true story!
Ok the Pinto is a FAR cry from the Caddy, and was such a tragedy for Ford that they discontinued it, but not before my father purchased two more just like the first one we owned, on account that they were so cheap! Now this makes for a great thought and even a funny story, but in my head it illustrated how quite opposite My best friend and I were. I mean i guess I knew he had a different up bringing compared to me, but THIS simple memory was a mental illustration on how different it was. He is the baby in the family, I am the oldest, His family seemed pretty secure financially, Mine was broke as a joke, His family has a great reputation in the community, mine has a reputation alright..... his father served his time on his job and is now retired, my father just served Time...also No Joke. Pinto/Cadillac, he has brothers I have sisters,....His parents play poker for recreation, my parents used drugs for recreation , So, you say, what is the point to all of this?
Well i guess it just goes to show you that no matter where you come from or what you have or have not been exposed to, God puts people in each other's paths for a reason....Now even when we may not recognize the reason, it's still HIS call. I feel like I have been placed in My best friend's life to be a royal pain in the butt, and he would agree, but also I think it's because at the end of the day I make him think about somethings that otherwise would not ever question...i make him think about his faith and I think that's important! I also think that he makes me work on being a better person in the community.. Someone who can rise above the reputation that was handed down to me by my parents, someone who is different from everyone in my family. I know that My best friend will stand firm next to me in the front lines, and I have God to thank for making our paths cross.......that's it for now...until next time....